The recent load shedding, levels 2-4, that we have been experiencing across the country, has highlighted a few issues in buildings, not the least of which is the consideration of generators.
A large number of our clients are considering the installation of generators, to mitigate future outages.
This is fine for the schemes that can afford them, bearing in mind that they are, very, expensive, however, even generators will struggle with level 4 load shedding, such as we are experiencing at present, with 2-3 outages of 2.5 hours each, in every 24 hour cycle.
Trustees should also be cognizant of the required resolutions in order to purchase and install such equipment in sectional title schemes.
Moreover, generators must be serviced regularly, and filled with diesel, often, especially with level 4 outages.
So, consider the capital, as well as the operational, costs associated with generators and compare this against the needs and wants of the building and its residents, before making such a long-term decision and significant spend. Also, make sure that you tick the statutory sectional title boxes if proceeding.
These outages have caused problems for us at our office too, as our systems are also geared to handle 2 hours, but not the 5 hours we are currently experiencing, so should you try to contact us, during level 4 load shedding, it is possible that we might not respond, immediately, for which we apologize in advance.